Basic Pesto
There are tons of pre-made pestos out there, but I always make my own because it is just so darn easy and takes less time than standing in the market reading all the teeny, tiny print on labels looking for hidden, non-vegan products.
I also usually avoid pesto when I eat out because there are some things you don’t want to hear someone say to you, like, “ Oh, you taste cheese? Why yes, there is cheese in there.”
So, let me get this straight. When I was ordering, and asked if it was dairy free, which word was it exactly that confused you, dairy or free?
Along those lines, my mother made what I know was an innocent comment this past weekend, but it was something I definitely did not want to hear.
Tim and I were staying with my parents, and I thanked her for giving up her room for us, and sharing a room with my father who snores like a buzzsaw caught in a wood chipper. I asked her how she had slept.
” Really good on Friday night because your father was quiet. He must have been exhausted. Saturday night though, he was snoring and talking and moving around a lot in his sleep. He’s always been very active in the bedroom.”
Not ever what you want to hear your mother say.
- 1 cup firmly packed basil leaves ( don’t use ones with brown on them. They are bitter)
- 1 Tablespoon slivered almonds ( or any without the skin- you can also use pine nuts)
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1/4 cup of olive oil (you might need a bit more, but start with 1/4 cup
- 1 Tablespoon nutritional yeast
- 2 teaspoons lemon juice
- Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender and process till smooth.
** I find that using less than this only gets stuck under the blades and won’t process. In a large Vitamix, you would need to at least double the batch to be able to process it. It does keep in the fridge if you cover the top with a layer of olive oil to keep it from turning brown. Or you could put it in ice cube trays and drop the frozen cubes into sauces or soups.