Spinach and Leek Pinwheels
This is a great appetizer for the holiday season, and the ingredients are always easy to find. You can also...
This is a great appetizer for the holiday season, and the ingredients are always easy to find. You can also...
This is a super easy recipe for the holidays! You can really use any kind of mushrooms that you like...
Grapes are great as a snack or dessert, but with this recipe, you can expand their use to include breakfast...
This super easy appetizer is perfect for fall. I usually use whatever apples I have on hand, but I would...
Plums are in season and I have to admit that I could eat them all day long every day. They...
This is a great recipe to celebrate the flavors of fall; it's also fairly quick to make and you can...
Summer is finally here and so are strawberries and watermelon! The days are also longer,so more sunlight which is...
Hello Spring/early summer!!!! At some point when I was waaaay younger, someone told me to keep a journal whenever I...
Whenever our family or friends get together, its always an event because we don't do anything small. Being vegan, the...
I recently needed to help my mom renew her passport. Not the most fun I've ever had. We fill out...
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