Banana Protein Muffins
This is my latest flavor in my series of protein muffins. It joins its siblings, chocolate, apple and pumpkin. A...
This is my latest flavor in my series of protein muffins. It joins its siblings, chocolate, apple and pumpkin. A...
I have no idea why I am calling this Irish Bran Bread except that this is based on a family...
This recipe is, as they “easy as falling off a log”, and it has endless possibilities. It will tell you...
This started as a brilliant idea (if I do say so myself, and since no one else will...) Take some...
For some reason, I like the number three. I actually made this recipe three times before being completely happy with...
When I eat this bread, I think of fall because it has cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. When I recently shared...
Since I shared a furniture delivery story with my pumpkin pudding recipe, I feel it only fair that I should...
At the beginning of October, I start getting ready for Halloween. Skeletons start populating our porch, ghosts take up residence...
I am a big breakfast eater. Always have been, always will be. Several years ago, Tim asked me what I...
Bread in our family has always been a big deal. Any kind of bread. My mother still to this day...
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