Spinach and Leek Pinwheels
This is a great appetizer for the holiday season, and the ingredients are always easy to find. You can also...
This is a great appetizer for the holiday season, and the ingredients are always easy to find. You can also...
Grapes are great as a snack or dessert, but with this recipe, you can expand their use to include breakfast...
This super easy appetizer is perfect for fall. I usually use whatever apples I have on hand, but I would...
I like to make salads that aren't traditional so that everyone doesn't think that a green salad is my go-to...
Plums are in season and I have to admit that I could eat them all day long every day. They...
Summer is finally here and so are strawberries and watermelon! The days are also longer,so more sunlight which is...
Recently, I needed to schedule a routine medical procedure, so I made an appointment and was pleasantly surprised to find...
And the saga continues: This week, the plumber called to tell me that they had gotten in the parts for...
I usually have a blocker on my phone calls so that it will go right to voicemail if whoever is...
This summer. we are making a big effort around here to drink more water. So we all have our own...
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